Token Allocation

Total Token Supply: 1,000,000 $JUTSU

Token Allocation:

In-game Emissions Pool (PVP/PVE): 200,000 = 20% of Total Supply

Circulating Supply at Launch: 800,000 = 80% of Total Supply

Circulating Supply at Launch Breakdown:

Launchpad Sale: 360,000 = 36% of Total Supply

Initial Liquidity: 200,000 = 20% of Total Supply

Airdrop: 40,000 = 4% of Total Supply

Team: 40,000 = 4% of Total Supply

Treasury: 60,000 = 6% of Total Supply

Partnerships/Marketing/Eco: 60,000 = 6% of Total Supply

404 DAO: 40,000 = 4% of Total Supply

Team Comments:

We believe that at the core of games, is the community. We aim to ensure shared upside for early adopters by providing 60% of our tokens for launchpad, liquidity provisions, and claimdrops.

In addition, we have allocated a relatively smaller amount to the treasury, marketing, and ecosystem building. This ensures that the project is grown organically and sustainably. A smaller-than-usual allocation is not only limited to the treasury but also to the team. This ensures that the focus of the project stays sustainably on alternative forms of revenue generation (eg physical figurine sales, events etc) instead of relying on token sales to drive project growth.

Additional Notes:

  • 60% of the total supply used for launchpad, liquidity, and claimdrops to OGs and strategic partners from TGE.

  • 4% of tokens for the team, to be vested with 6 months cliff and 12 months vesting

  • 12% of tokens for treasury, partnerships, marketing, and ecosystem building. 25% unlock on TGE and the remaining 18 months vesting

  • 4% of tokens to community DAO to be locked until governance is established

  • 20% of tokens go to in-game emissions to incentivise casual and competitive gameplay

Last updated