Participating in Jutsu World Launchpad

The Jutsu World Launchpad will be conducted on DojoSwap. Here are the Launchpad Mechanics: Start of Launchpad: 25th June 2024, 12nn GMT

End of Launchpad: 26th June 2024, 12nn GMT

Total Duration of Launchpad: 24 hours

Where to Participate: DojoSwap

Currency to Participate: $DOJO

Type of Launchpad: Overflow

Total Amount to be Raised: $540K in $DOJO

Total Tokens for Sale: 360,000 $JUTSU

Cost per $JUTSU: $1.50

At launch, 80% of the total supply will be in circulation contributing to a circulating mcap of $1.2M and an FDV of $1.5M. We aim to ensure shared upside for early adopters by providing 60% of our tokens for launchpad, liquidity provision, and claimdrops. More details on token allocation can be found here.

Note also that the ratio of Dojo-Networth to allowed $DOJO allocation is 1:5. This means that if you’d like to invest $100k worth of $DOJO, you will need to have an additional $20k in Dojo-Networth. This is elaborated below.

Overflow Method

For Overflow method of fundraise, the more you put in, the more you will get, and you’ll get back anything that doesn’t get spent.

In this Overflow method, users can subscribe as much as they want to the launchpad, and their final allocation will be based on the amount of funds they put in as a percentage of all funds put in by other users at the time the sale ends. Users will get back any leftover funds when they claim their tokens after the sale.

Sample Scenario

If the total amount committed by the end of the Launchpad is $1,080,000 and you committed $10,000 in $DOJO then the calculations below would apply:

Total amount to be raised: $540K USD in DOJO

Your share in respect to total committed: $10K/$1.08M

Total Token for sale: 360,000 $JUTSU

Number of $JUTSU you will receive: (10K/1.08M) * 360,000 = 3,333 $JUTSU

Cost of acquisition: 3,333 * $1.50 = $5K approx

You will receive: $10K - $5K= $5K in $DOJO back

To Participate in Launchpad

You can participate in the Launchpad via DojoSwap here from the 25th of June 2024, 12nn GMT. In addition, you will need the following:

  1. $DOJO as the currency to invest in the Launchpad

  2. Dojo Net-worth which is the aggregate value of $DAOJO, $DAOJO/DOJO LP, $babyDOJO, $SUSHI, and $SUSHI/DOJO LP in your wallet.

The amount that you can participate with is determined by your Dojo Net-worth, which is the aggregate value of $DAOJO, $DAOJO/DOJO LP, $babyDOJO, $SUSHI, and $SUSHI/DOJO LP.

For every $1 in Dojo Net-worth, you can invest $5 in $DOJO into the Launchpad. This means that if you would like to invest $100k into $DOJO Launchpad, you will need an additional $20k in Dojo Net-worth. After committing to the launchpad, you do not need to maintain your Dojo Net-worth until the launchpad ends.

Last updated