Buying or Selling $JUTSU

At launch, $JUTSU will be available for purchase via DojoSwap, the top native AMM/DEX in Injective and has the most pairs with the highest liquidity within Injective. There are 6 simple steps to buying $JUTSU:

  1. Connect your Injective Wallet to DojoSwap at

  2. Proceed to click on “Swap” in the navigation bar and then “Swap” again.

  3. Select the Asset in “From” to an asset of your choice. This is typically $INJ or $DOJO. $JUTSU will be paired with $DOJO and all purchases from $INJ will route through $DOJO.

  4. Should you be purchasing using $INJ, ensure that “Multi Hop Mode” is activated should you be purchasing $JUTSU using $INJ. If not, you may de-activate “Multi Hop Mode”

  5. Select the Asset in “To” to $JUTSU.

  6. Enter the amount you would like to swap based on the Asset selected in step 3.

Once done, you will see a few things: Rate, Tx Fee, and Slippage. For clarity, definitions are below:

  1. Rate is the ratio of Asset “From” per Asset “To”.

  2. Tx Fees are the Transaction Fees paid to the network in the form of gas fees

  3. Slippage is the price difference depending on the liquidity of the pool. If there’s high liquidity between the 2 tokens, slippage will be lower and vice versa.

Note that you do NOT need to buy/sell from a DEX in order to reroll. You may do so directly at In fact, this supports the project more than rerolling via a DEX or trading against an LP.

Last updated