Bridging Assets into Injective

Bridging assets into Injective is simple. There are three broad steps to bridge assets from ETH or SOL into Injective.

Step 1: Deposit Your Asset into Wallet of Choice

  1. Deposit your $INJ in your injective chain wallet (injxxx). $INJ can be bought from Centralised Exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase and ByBit. Alternatively, $INJ can also be bought via Decentralized Exchanges such as Uniswap.

  2. In the event you’d like to bridge other assets such as USDT, wETH, wBTC, etc you will need to send these assets to the wallet in the chain you would like to bridge from before bridging. Networks that are supported by Wormhole connect now includes Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Arbitrum and Solana.

Step 2: Bridge your Asset into Injective

  1. To bridge, head to and select “Deposit” then ensure the chain you’d like to bridge from is selected.

  2. Once you’ve selected the chain you would like to bridge from, select the asset you would like to bridge. Every ETH wallet already has a corresponding INJ wallet. By default, the bridge assumes that you will be bridging to the corresponding INJ wallet.

  3. To change, you may edit the “Recipient Address” by clicking on the lock symbol.

  4. To bridge SOL, you may utilise “Wormhole Connect” and select network as “Solana” and Asset as your desired asset within the “From” category. Once done, select “Injective” as the wallet and WSOL as the asset then connect your inj wallet.

Estimated times along with the route can be found at the bottom for Wormhole Connect bridges.

Step 3: Swap your Asset to $INJ

You may then use to swap your bridged assets into INJ.

Last updated